

Implemented the cursors on the left.
The first one is shown when the cursor is over the terrain, the second when entering the pause menu and the next one will be shown if the mouse is over an enemy unit or enemy building. The hammer will appear if the mouse is over an allied building, and the last cursor is shown whenever the mouse is over an object.
The cursor animation on the bottom is shown when the player moves the allies to a position.


The pathfinding on Lost Lands of Khanelyf uses the Jump Point Search Algorithm, also known as JPS algorithm. If you are interested you can look at my research by clicking the link below.  Jump Point Search Algorithm Research.


The boss has 5 phases:
- "Asleep" phase: The boss is idle
- First phase: Normal attack
- Second phase: Charges to an ally an makes a whirlwind-like attack.
- Third phase: Area attack (The one shown at the gif).
- Last phase: Combines the abilities described above.


Helped my team to implement, fix and balance the abilities.
The gif on the left is one mechanic I had created to show the range of the abilities in tiles.


The hero has his own stats which can be upgraded when completing quests.
There will be a message shown on the right bottom corner of the screen that will tell the player that he can upgrade his stats, which can be done by clicking the "+" signs shown at the right example.


Groups can be selected by draging with left click. The player can also select allies by just clicking them.
If the player presses Left Shift + Any number key he can save a group to a shortcut. The shortcut can be rewritten by using the same combination of keys and selected by just pressing the number key.


The units have different phases: idle, move, move to building, move to unit, attack, death and decompose, with their respective animations. Buildings and Units have life, which can be seen by the player with the life bar above the entity. When the units can recover their life by being in idle state, that is by stop moving and taking a brake.


During the course of the game, the player will need to complete quests in order to win the game. For that, the game present the player with 5 different types of quests:
- Kill: Kill X number of enemies.
- Create: Creata a building.
- Conquer: Capture an enemy building by destroying it.
- Move object: Move an object to a specified place.
- Escort: Escort an NPC until he reaches his destination (mechanic shown at the gif at the left).


When entering the main menu, the player has 6 available options:
- New Game: Enters a completely new game.
- Load Game: Enters a saved game if there is one. If there is not, it can not be clicked.
- Credits: Shows the team members and its roles.
- Watch Trailer: The player can watch the trailer again (Dubbed by me).
- Fullscreen: Toggles the fullscreen.
Trailer here.