
Extract sprites from the original game and make new spritesheets
We did not need new art for the game so it was enough with extracting the sprites we wanted to use and re-orginizing them in order to use them during the production of the game.

I was the reponsible to make it, so I extracted all the buildings, units and other types of sprites we would probablly going to use (as fire or arrows) and made spritesheets for each one of them.

I made the collisions for every entity. That enables the player to select them and it is also used to order the layers of the sprites.

Despite having them, we do not use them as a fisical collision between the entities; after talking about it we concluded that we were not going to add that feature.

Abilities implementation
After Eric was done with the design, I had to implement the 4 abilities of the hero; Battlecry, Undying Will, Whirlwind and Charge.

Later on, Dani would make the particles for the first two abilities, and I also had to implement them in-game.

Special Buildings
I had to do all the interactions that the player can do with the special buildings. Before I could start doing the interaction I had to create this kind of buildings as new entities with special properties.
With that out of the way I created the barracks (to create units), the broken buildings (to build new buildings), and the blacksmith (to change the first ability).

The game needed some basic options, so I implemented a button on the pause menu that allows the player to enter to the options menu.
The audio and the FXs can be mutted from there, and another window can be opened clicking on "Controls" to change the key configuration of the game.

Enemy waves
For the enemy waves I had to change a bit the IA of the enemies; they will go directly to your buildings and they will try to destroy all of them.

If they succed in breaking one, they will keep moving to the next one until the player stops them or until all his/her buildings are destroyed, making him/her lose the game.

Trailer Edit + Animated Logo
I was the responsible of editing the trailer for our game with the clips that Eric gave me and with the audio from Simón.

We also wanted some kind of animation to play before the trailer in the game so I made this small gif with our logo.